Article I. NAME
The name of this organization shall be “The Republican Party of the Seventh Congressional District of Wisconsin.”
The purpose of this voluntary organization shall be to strengthen, correlate, and unify the political activities of the County Republican Organizations of the Seventh Congressional District into an effective central organization to perform the duties delegated to it by the Republican Party of Wisconsin and to coordinate activities to elect Republican Congressional candidates.
Membership in the Organization shall consist of those who are qualified and voting members of the Republican Party in each county of the Seventh Congressional District.
Section 1. The officers of this Organization shall consist of a Chairman, a Vice Chairman, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Finance Chairman.
Section 2. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Finance Chairman, the Co-Chairmen of all District Standing Committees, the Vice Chairman of the Finance Committee, the District Chairman of the Wisconsin Federation of Republican Women and the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Republican Party in each of the counties comprising the Seventh Congressional District except that the counties may be represented in person by a representative authorized in writing by the County Chairman or First Vice Chairman. In addition, the District Chairman shall appoint one representative from the Young Republicans and the College Republicans who reside within the Seventh Congressional District to represent those groups on the Executive Committee.
Section 3. Ex-officio members of the Seventh District Executive Committee shall consist of all State or National Voluntary Republican Officers residing in this District, the immediate past District Chairman and Vice Chairman, if residing in the District, and an authorized representative of the District’s Assemblymen, State Senators, and Congressman. Ex-officio members will not be voting members of the committee.
Section 1. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings or caucuses of the Executive Committee and shall have general supervision of the work of the Organization. The Vice Chairman, in the absence of the Chairman, shall perform the duties of the Chairman. The Chairman and the Vice Chairman shall represent the District on the Republican State Executive Committee. The Secretary shall keep and read the minutes of all meetings or caucuses and be the custodial of all records of the Organization. The Treasurer shall receive and be the custodian of all funds of the Organization and shall perform other duties normally performed by a Treasurer of an Organization authorized by the Chairman. The Treasurer shall keep an account of all monies received and disbursed and shall report in full as required by the Chairman or the Executive Committee.
Section 2. In the event that a vacancy occurs in the office of Chairman, the Vice Chairman shall assume that office as a matter of course. The Chairman and Vice Chairman who take office under this section are subject to State Executive Committee approval. A vacancy in the office of Vice Chairman, Secretary, or Treasurer shall be filled for the unexpired term by action of the Executive Committee, which shall elect by majority vote that said officer to fill said vacancy.
Section 1. The Executive Committee shall hold its meetings at the call of the Chairman or by written request of five members of the Executive Committee and upon at least seven days’ notice to all its members.
Section 2. The Executive Committee shall call a District Caucus each year prior to the State Convention giving at least 30 days written notice to each County Chairman and Vice Chairman.
Section 3. In the even-numbered years, the caucus may endorse by a majority vote a candidate for the office of Representative to Congress from the Seventh Congressional District of Wisconsin upon nomination of one or more candidates from the floor. Balloting for endorsement shall be by roll call vote if more than one name is placed in nomination.
Section 4. The Chairman shall appoint a nominating committee to nominate District Representatives to the Convention Committees of the State Convention and, in odd-numbered years, to nominate District Officers. Nominations may be made from the floor, and the balloting shall be the same as in even-numbered years.
Section 5. The Chairman shall appoint the following Committees for District Caucuses: Rules, Credentials, and Resolutions. Each Committee shall consist of at least one member from each of three different counties of the District. The Chairman may also appoint such other committees from time to time as may be necessary, all committee appointments being subject to approval of the Executive Committee.
Section 1. Representation from five counties at a District Caucus shall constitute a quorum.
Section 2. Representation from five counties among members of the Executive Committee at its meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, but in the absence of a quorum the majority of those present may adjourn the meeting to another day or hour.
Representation of each County Organization at District Caucuses shall be as provided in the Constitution of the Republican Party of Wisconsin. On all roll call questions coming before a District Caucus, the delegates and voting alternatives present from any county are authorized to cast the entire vote of said county delegations and the vote to which the county is entitled shall be divided in the same ratio as the votes cast by the county’s delegates on the question. No county may use the unit rule.
This Constitution may be amended at any District Caucus when notice of such purpose and the substance of the amendment is included in the pre-caucus delegate mailing. Any amendment shall be adopted only by a two-thirds majority vote of all the delegates entitled to sit at such Caucus. Upon petition of three or more County Caucuses, any proposed amendment shall be included in the Call of the Caucus. Proposed amendments are not amendable from the floor.
Section 1. The Constitution of the Republican Party of Wisconsin shall prevail in the event of any conflict herein or hereunder.
Section 2. Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, shall apply in the absence of provision under the Constitution, Bylaws, or Rules of the Organization.
Section 3. Bylaws for the Republican Party of the Seventh Congressional District may be adopted or revised from time to time by the Executive Committee at a meeting called for that purpose, it being the second consecutive meeting at which the proposal is favorably voted.
Section 1. National Convention Delegates and Alternates shall be selected in compliance with Article X of the Republican Party of Wisconsin Constitution.
Section 2. Republican Party members residing within the Seventh Congressional District who wish to be named a Delegate or Alternate to the National Convention shall apply to the District Chairman 30 days prior to Wisconsin’s Presidential Primary.
Section 3. Three delegates and three alternates to the National Convention shall be elected by the delegates at the District Caucus in presidential election years. Election shall be by roll call vote. District caucus delegates may vote for as many as three different potential national convention delegates from those listed by the District Chairman pursuant to Article X, Section 2, Rule 5, Paragraph 1 of the Republican Party of Wisconsin Constitution. District caucus delegates shall rank their three choices first, second, and third. A district caucus delegate’s first choice for national convention delegate shall receive three times the vote allotted to that district caucus delegate. A district caucus delegate’s second choice for national convention delegate shall receive two times the vote allotted to that district caucus delegate. A district caucus delegate’s third choice for national convention delegate shall receive the vote allotted to that district caucus delegate. The top three vote recipients shall be delegates to the national convention. The next three top vote recipients shall be alternates to the national convention. In the case of a tie, there shall be a roll call vote with no weighted voting between those potential national convention delegates/alternates who receive the same number of votes.
Updated 4/13/96 Updated 4/17/99 Updated 3/22/03
Updated 4/12/97 Updated 4/29/00
A. Each county within the Seventh Congressional District shall pay annual dues to the District. If a county fails to pay the full assessed amount of dues prior to the Seventh District Caucus, delegates from that county shall not be allowed to participate in the Seventh District Caucus, except by special permission of the Executive Committee.
B. Required annual dues shall be assessed on each county at a rate of $2.00 per delegate allotted to the county by the Republican Party of Wisconsin. For counties not entirely within the Seventh District, dues shall be assessed on a county only for those delegates designated as representing the Seventh Congressional District by the Republican Party of Wisconsin.
Approved November 7, 1998, January 9, 1999, and March 22, 2014
A. The District Chairman shall appoint four Regional Coordinators, such appointments subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.
B. The responsibilities of the Regional Coordinators shall include, but not be limited to, attending county party meetings in their region, assisting county parties in their region with planning and executing events, fundraising and increasing membership, and serving as a liaison between the county parties within a region and between the county parties within a region and District.
C. The designation of regional boundaries including what counties or parts of counties lay in each respective region shall be determined by the District Chairman subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.
Approved January 25, 1997 and March 15, 1997